Neovim makes me feel like a fresh young dev and at same time very old

Currently reading: The Shortest History of Greece: The Odyssey of a Nation from Myth to Modernity (Shortest History) by James Heneage ๐Ÿ“šwhen in er, Greece

Highly recommend reading Programming Advice I’d Give To Myself 15 Years Ago by Marcus Buffet

Tasty morsels in here, including…

  • Fixing things that are transparently accepted pays off / “fix the gun that shoots you in the foot”
  • Contextualising the trade-off between quality and pace
  • Deeply knowing your tooling will always pays off / “sharpening the axe”
  • Difference between real complexity and incidental complexity
  • Understanding bugs one layer deeper
  • Learn more from shipping imperfect code early than waiting for it to be perfect

via the changelog newsletter (also recommend!)

Going to take a while to sink in that some normal people are in charge of the UK now.

Current obsession: everything sold on ๐Ÿ”ช ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต

No wind so kids had a paddle boarding battle instead

Currently reading: Howards End by E. M. Forster ๐Ÿ“š

Picking this up again after not finishing it many years ago

Something so satisfyingly traditional about a summer F1 race, in Europe, starting at 2pm.

Unspoken expectations are pre meditated resentments

Neil Strauss

Innovation is not linear, example #n

Absolutely loved this 2020 article about Acorn, once a British computer company in the 80s and 90s you maybe haven’t heard of, and how it went on to influence chip designs in the devices we use everyday.

Tickles the bones of any British developer of a certain vintage (such as myself).

How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world

It’s nice to just take a moment and reflect: because the British felt they were being left behind by the computer revolution, they decided to make TV shows about computers. To do that, they needed a computer, so an underdog British company came up with a good one. And when that little company needed to build a faster CPU, because Intel couldn’t be bothered to answer their calls, they made their own. This in-house CPU just so happened to not use much power or make much heat, which got the attention of Apple, who used it to power what most people consider to be its biggest failure. From there, of course, the company went on to take over the world.

๐ŸŽ what an line (often misattributed to Leonardo da Vinci, apparently). I see the font everywhere in B2C websites now.

I love the smell of admin in the morning

Heroku - positive developments

Positive things coming from Heroku re support for cloud native buildpacks and rebasing on Kubernetes. Their emerging AI support also interesting.

Feels significant given the sense of bitrot over the last few years, especially around docker and slow dyno scaling.

Good luck to new CEO who is clearly on a mission to bring Kubernetes in, although please hide most of it from customers!…

Pompidou, Paris

Progress is fixing the problems of the previous generation, while also creating new ones.

Except nothing is ever really new.

As in life, as in code.

This excellent post is a reminder of the merits of โ€œboring techโ€ in most companies of the world who arenโ€™t Big Tech or AI startups

Currently reading: Judas by Amos Oz ๐Ÿ“šabsolutely hooked on the characters and the setting of 1959 Israel

Wonderful Waterland by Graham Swift ๐Ÿ“š

Bit too heavy in the end for me but .. tldr - Rasputin was a sexual predator, we know this, but the times he lived in were fascinating : Rasputin by Douglas Smith ๐Ÿ“š

GA4โ€ฆ GTMโ€ฆ Consent Mode v2.. GAโ€ฆ BiqQueryโ€ฆ you can all get in the sea ๐ŸŒŠ